How It Works


We Handle 100% of the Project!

1. Online Property Analysis

Let's Discover Your Property's Potential

First, we’ll check out your property online, ask you a few questions about what you’re trying to accomplish and see what’s possible for you and your property.

You’ll be able to ask questions, see which models will fit, find out if we can delivery to your property, and any anything else you should about adding an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) to your property.

NOTE: We can also deliver to empty lots of land as long as they have access to water & electricity, but you must first own the land before we can help.

2. Private Factory Tour

Step Inside a Variety of Modular Homes

After we’ve looked over your property and have determined that we’re a good fit, we can move forward with having you come to Monterey County and check out the different models! Depending on when you visit the factory, there will be different models to see at all different stages.

Please keep in mind that this is a working factory, so every week we clean up the facility to show a limited number of private tours every Saturday by appointment only. 

We’d be happy to show you our available models, so please first schedule a call before suddenly stopping by. Thank you!

3. Site Visit

Double-Check Measurements & Layout

Now that you’ve visited our home, it’s time for us to check out your place! 

We’ve measured your property online, but the software that is available online doesn’t always give the most accurate data. Because of this, we’ll need to measure and layout the floor plan in person for verification. 

We’ll also use this time to scope out any obstacles with getting a home / ADU delivered. Things like powerlines, cul-de-sacs, tight roads, bridges and tunnels can all impact delivery approach.

NOTE: Site Visits are at no charge to you.

4. Feasibility Study

What's Needed Before We Build?

Every project and property is unique, which is why a Feasibility Study is so important. Depending on your location, different fees, restrictions or setbacks may apply. So before we begin to build, we’re going to gather all of this site-specific information, so there are no surprises later down the road.

We’ll find out if you need to upgrade your septic, electrical panel or anything else you may need at this step. Very few builders will research your fees and setbacks before beginning your project to make sure this is feasible for you.

100% of the Feasibility Study cost applies to your project.

If we’re unable to deliver an ADU / home to your property, we will refund the entire cost; we will only accept your money if we can be of service to you.

5. Review Findings

Anything Else Needed for Your Property?

Now that we’ve completed thorough research on your property, we can really understand everything we need to make the project happen smoothly. 

At this stage, we’re making sure that we can get project approval and looking out for any site-specific information or requirements we need to abide by.

6. Confirm Customizations

Model, Style, & Upgrades for Your Unit

The feasibility study has also shown us what size homes / ADU can fit on your property. Once we’ve confirmed the model you’d like to go with, we can move forward to customizing it has you please!

From countertops, cabinet color, interior & exterior paint color, light fixtures, appliances, windows, doors, a selection of upgrades and much more…

All will be available for online configuration in the near future.

7. Start Your ADU Adventure

Now, We're Ready to Begin!

The big day is here!

Your new accessory dwelling unit is in transit and you’ll be receiving SMS reminders and updates for when it will arrive. We will have the Framework First ADU team ready and preparing for touchdown.

We’ll give you a list of precautions to follow in advance.

We will spend the next few days in your backyard for installation, and you’ll be good to go!

Average Timeline: About 5 Months

Modular vs. Manufactured Homes



Ready to Get Started?

Get the answers to your questions and discover the possibilities of your property with an Online Property Analysis! No cost, no pressure.